An application can be locked by selecting one application, clicking SAVE, and clicking APPLY POLICY. Set device settings to SETTINGS ACCESS ALLOWED if you want to allow users to add Wi-Fi when the internet is not available.

View the YouTube tutorial


Select a multi-app kiosk and enable the Kiosk custom launcher with all approved apps by clicking the save and apply policy button. To add or remove apps from the custom launcher, please use the Applications menu.

View the YouTube tutorial


This feature allows you to display a webpage in kiosk mode.

Setting Description
Website URL Enter website URL.
Screen Timeout Set a time limit for how long the website can be displayed on your screen before it goes blank or locks.
Screen Brightness Adjust the brightness level of your screen when you are viewing the website to make it more comfortable for the eyes.
Screen Orientation Change the orientation of your screen (such as portrait or landscape) when you are viewing the website to fit your preference or the content of the website.
Show Address Bar Display the address bar when you are adding the website URL to your browser or app.


Video Signage Kiosk is a feature that allows you to showcase videos or multimedia content in a kiosk environment. This mode is ideal for digital signage purposes, where you can display promotional videos, advertisements, announcements, or informational content in public spaces. With Video Signage Kiosk, you can easily manage and control the playback of videos, adjust settings such as screen timeout and brightness, and customize the content to suit your needs. Whether you're setting up digital displays in retail stores, airports, restaurants, or corporate lobbies, Video Signage Kiosk provides a versatile and user-friendly solution for engaging your audience and conveying your message effectively.

Setting Description
Screen Timeout Set a time limit for how long the website can be displayed on your screen before it goes blank or locks.
Screen Brightness Adjust the brightness level of your screen when you are viewing the website to make it more comfortable for the eyes.
Screen Orientation Change the orientation of your screen (such as portrait or landscape) when you are viewing the website to fit your preference or the content of the website.
Available Video List You can choose from a list of videos that you can display on your device.

Common Settings
Power Button Action:
Power Button Available The user can press the physical power button on the device to perform the action that you have configured.
Power Button Blocked The user cannot press the physical power button on the device to perform any action. The power button will be disabled and ignored by the device in kiosk mode.

System App Warnings:
Error And Warnings Muted Error And Warnings Muted in kiosk mode that the kiosk device will not display any error or warning messages that may interrupt the kiosk experience.
Error And Warnings Enabled Error And Warnings enabled in kiosk mode that the kiosk device will display any error or warning messages that may occur in kiosk mode.

System Navigation:
Navigation Disabled Users are unable to interact with the kiosk device or the application running in kiosk mode.
Navigation Enabled Users have the ability to interact with the kiosk device or the application running in kiosk mode.
Home Button Only Users can solely access the home button in the system navigation, excluding other buttons or features.

Status Bar:
Notifications & System Info Disabled Allows hiding notifications and system information, such as network connectivity, battery level, and time, when the device is in kiosk mode.
Notifications & System Info Enabled Allows displaying notifications and system information, such as network connectivity, battery level, and time, when the device is in kiosk mode.
System Info Only Allows showing only system information, such as network connectivity, battery level, and time, when the device is in kiosk mode.

Device Setting:
Settings Access Allowed Allows users to access settings of the device.
Settings Access Blocked Blocks users from accessing settings of the device.

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