4) Create Assignment

  • Teacher can add assignment name in the name field.
  • Teachers can upload image or document while creating assignment.
  • Teacher can add descriptions in details about assignment in Description block.
  • Teacher can add assignment start date (from which date have to start assignment) to due date (Assignment end date).
  • Teachers can determine the score for each assignment.
  • Teacher able to see submitted assignment from student.
  • Teacher can give score and Remarks to assignment, which was submitted by student on click of pencil icon in Action field of table.
  • Click on SAVE button assignment details saved.

  1. Name of the assignment
  2. Assignment details can be provided in form of a file
  3. Description of the assignment
  4. Start date is the date from which user can view the assignment
  5. Submission date
  6. Maximum score for the assignment

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